Stakeholder Mapping
For activity 4 of Think Lab, we were introduced to a new concept of Stakeholder Mapping. In this concept, we were able to map the people and organizations that were directly and indirectly related to the given scenario.
Group Task
The image given to us was from a night scene at the Khan Market. The customers were standing outside the famous shop of Delhi, Khan Chacha.
After observing the image carefully, my team mates and I were able to map the core, direct and indirect stakeholders related to the scenario after a discussion.
Together, we mapped the stakeholders in the concentric circles as seen in the above image on the right.
Individual Task
For the individual task where we had to choose a stakeholder, I chose the owner of the shop.
After choosing the stakeholder, I listed a few problems that the owner of the shop can face and chose one of it.
The problem i went with was How do I make enough space for my customer to stand also letting pedestrians to walk freely?
Solution 1- One of the solution I thought was if we made a bold white line on the ground that would divide the space between the standing customers and the walking pedestrians, it would avoid overcrowding and people bumping into each other.
Solution 2- Another solution was to make a separate delivery and order counter so that the standing crowd would get divided.
This task explained me that how different issues can be solved by different stakeholders.
Every stakeholder finds a solution to their problem in their own way and in their area of expertise.
An owner of a shop would find the solution that would be of his profit and an employee would find a solution to his problem that would make their work easier.
Stakeholder mapping gives a reference to the designer to know the people that are involved in their project.
My group members were less in number but that was not an issue as everyone was able to communicate their ideas and we were able to discuss the problems and solution in depth with each other's help.
Learning Mantra of the Day
Think creative as a pursuing designer.