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For F2F, we discovered many new shapes and forms and made their 3D models out of POP. These models were first made on paper to understand its properties.


Eg 1 - Ceiling Fan

It started with a sphere in the center and then 3 rectangular flaps have been added to its sides.

It can also be said that the fan was a big circular plane and 3 trapeziums have been subtracted from its sides.

Eg 2 - A mug

A mug can be seen as a hollow cylinder open from top and a half cut donut form added to it on its side.

Plaster of Paris

  • The plaster of paris can take form of any mold if it is in the perfect consistency and the mold does not have any leakage points.

  • It is important to have a good consistency of the mixture for it to dry faster.

  • It is also important to tap out any air bubbles after pouring the mixture into the mold to prevent the form to be fragile. It can cause cracks in the final outcome.

  • The consistency of the mixture should be that of a cake batter.

  • Make sure to lay down newspapers to avoid messiness.

  • Wear gloves to mix the powder and water well without leaving any lumps.


After putting the mixture into the mold, the one thing I struggled with was to get the perfect form. There were many cracks and air spaces in between the final outcome.

The cone on the side was not complete and broke from the middle because I failed to fill the mixture completely into that area.


  • I learnt that it is important to make sure to fill the mixture completely in the mold and tap out the air bubbles

  • I learnt that it is important to have a slightly thick consistency and not have water like flowy consistency to prevent the form from breaking


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